

Genesis 36:11 ff names him as a son of Eli-Phaz (אליפז) ben Esav, later an Edomite chieftain. His mother was Adah (עדה).

Judges 1:13, 1 Chronicles 4:13 and Joshua 15:17 name him as the father of Otni-El (עתניאל = "lion of El"), and the younger brother of Kalev (Caleb - כלב = the dog-star Sirius) who captured Kiryat-Sepher (קרית-ספר = "village of the book") and married Kalev's daughter Achsah (עכסה = "ankle bracelet"); another apparently incestuous marriage to add to the many in the Tanach, and this one after the giving of the laws by Mosheh, though in fact Mosaic law does not specifically prohibit first cousin marriage.

1 Chronicles 4:15 names him as a grandson of Kalev, presumably named for his paternal grandfather.

He is also connected to the Kenizim (קנזים) who appear in Genesis 15:19 (Av-Raham's covenant); Joshua 14:6 records that Kalev was the son of Yephuneh (יפנה) the Kenizite = "for whom the way is prepared" (cf 1 Chronicles 7:38).

Is there any connection to Ashkenaz by way of Ish-Kenaz? See notes to Ashkenaz.

The name means "hunter" which may connect it to Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-9 and 1 Chronicles 1:10), and also to Orion the zodiacal great hunter.

Clearly there is a close link between Beney Kalev (Calebites), Beney Kenaz (Kenizites) and Beney Edom (Edomites). These names have to be read astronomically, like all the references to Kalev. The Beney Kalev were "dog-priests", a sodomitic cult dedicated to the goddess in her capacity as Sirius, the dog-star, the principal star at the hottest time of the year, and always the brightest in the night sky. See Graves 37:2 for the link to the Tanist rites. 

The Dog in Greece became the three-headed dog Cerberus, in Italy the merely two-headed Janus, in both cases the multiple heads having calendric significance. Cerberus' job was to determine whether dead souls went to Hades, Purgatory or Heaven, his three heads enabling him to see each one simultaneously. Janus stood at the start of the year, and therefore was able to look backwards to the past just ended, as well as forwards to the future just beginning.

Kiryat-Sepher is itself a direct reference to the astronomical tables, and the names of the Beney Kalev family all indicate constellations. Given that most of the Book of Joshua is in fact an astronomical table, a map of the heavens - an account of the lives of the constellations presented as the historical conquest of Kena'an by the Beney Yisra-El, this seems to fit perfectly.

Copyright © 2019 David Prashker
All rights reserved
The Argaman Press

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