
Map of the middle east around the 6th century BCE

Genesis 10:2 names him as a son of Yaphet ben No'ach; his own sons were Ashkenaz (אשכנז), Riphat (ריפת) and Togarmah (תגרמה).

Riphat may be the Riphaean mountains, though Riphat may also be an error for Diphat (see 1 Chronicles 1:6); or indeed the other way around (click here). Worth following this link and then looking at both Riphat and the entry above it, if only for the amusement of discovering both France and Russia among the candidates.

Beit Togarmah, according to Ezekiel 27:14 and 38:6, was a nation "from the remote parts of the north", famous for the breeding of horses and mules: almost certainly Armenia, which would make the Riphaean mountains of Russia a distinct possibility for Riphat.

Gomer is probably the Chimerii or Cimmerians from the Danube/Don region, and as such one of the tribes to whom we must look as progenitors of the language and culture base of "the common source". They almost certainly became the Cymru and the Cumbrians, early Celtic settlers of Britain (see "The Leprachauns of Palestine").

In Ezekiel 38:6, part of the army of Magog (מָּגוֹג) included the Cimmerians (Gomer).

The likelihood is that these were very early Beney Chet (Hittites) who spread out in every direction as colonisers when their empire was at its height. The Cimmerians, by virtue of their journeying into the Danube region, were ethnically connected with the Danaans and the tribe of Dan, and their further journeys brought them to Hyperborea (Great Britain) where they became the Cymru (Welsh) and Cumbrians. However, the map on the left is very different from the one above, that one placing Gomer and his sons where Yechezke-El (Ezekiel) describes them, in the far north, this one regarding them at Armenians.

Copyright © 2019 David Prashker
All rights reserved
The Argaman Press

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