The Gospel of Lucius

is mentioned by Jerome, the author of the Vulgate Latin translation of the Bible, and is listed in the Decree of Gelasius, attributed, almost certainly wrongly, to Pope Gelasius I; that decree contains a canonical list, which is to say a list of the accepted books of the "New Testament", followed by a second list of those condemned as heresy, "The Gospel of Lucius" among them.

Since there is nothing else to say, but empty paragraphs are not acceptable, the opportunity offers itself to point out that Lucius may sound like a variation of Luke, but actually it isn't. Lucius comes from the Latin "lux" meaning light; Luke comes from the Greek "loukas", and means "a man from the region of Lucania in Italy", roughly the equivalent of today's Basilicata, south of Naples.

Copyright © 2020 David Prashker
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The Argaman Press

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