The Book of Am-Tuat
adapted by David Prashker
from the writings of
E. A. Wallis Budge
[original composition 1905)
This book is an Ancient Egyptian cosmological treatise which describes the Tuat, the "underworld" that the boat of the Sun God, Ra, traverses during the night hours, in order to get back from his very bloody sunset-death on the western horizon, to be reborn through the equally bloody sunrise-thighs of the sky-goddess Nut, on the eastern horizon the following morning. Each chapter deals with one of the twelve hours of the night. A hallucinogenic travelogue of the netherworld, this extensively illustrated book depicts hundreds of gods and goddesses that appear nowhere else in the literature.
Before reading, register that these gods are merely metaphors, anthropomorphic allegories of the stars and planets, the elements of physics, chemistry and biology. Ra speaking to a god is simply the voice of Nature, working to make the algae form, the trees fruit, the egg hatch, the sun rise. The same is true of the Biblical Logos - "Let there be light, and there was light". The Word of the god is the activity of Nature, articulated. The E which we regard as MC2, they regarded as Elohim, the life-forces of the Cosmos, or in the case of the Egyptians, as Ra, Hor, Eshet, Set and Osher.
The "long form" of this book is presented on a separate page. Budge also provides this "short form" version, and it is worth reading first, to give yourself a general idea of the language, form and tone of the whole work; but you need to read the whole work to understand the concepts that are at the base of the Biblical, the Homeric, the Christian ideas of Hell and the Afterlife, and a great deal more of the mythological science of the ancient world.
It is also only in the full text that you will be able to see the dozens of illustrations that accompany the hieroglyphs on the sarcophagi where these words were first scored.
There are also differences, of which the most interesting seems to me to be that, in the short version, Ra travels through the Earth, descending into the Underworld like Orpheus or Dante, emerging on dry land only after the twelve hours have elapsed, where in the full text he clearly travels through the northern sky, bleeding to death on the western horizon at dusk, emerging through the bloody uterus of Nut on the eastern horizon at dawn.
The god enters into the Earth through the Hall of the Horizon of Amentet. There are one hundred and twenty Atru to journey over in this Hall before a man arrives at the gods of the Tuat.
The name of the first Field of the Tuat is Net-Ra. He - Ra, the Sun-god - allots tasks to the gods who are in his train, and he begins to send out words to them [words being the divine impulses that drive Creation, the articulation of the forms of Physics, Chemistry and Biology] and to work out the plans for the divine beings of the Tuat in respect of this Field.
Whoever shall be made according to the image and likeness which is in Ament of the Tuat, and whoever shall have knowledge of the manifestations of this image and likeness, which are the manifestations of this great god himself, they shall act as magical protectors for him upon Earth regularly and unfailingly, and they shall act as magical protectors for him in the Great Tuat.
Ushemet-Hatu-Khefti-Ra is the name of the first hour of the night which guides this great god through this Hall.
This great god now takes up his place in Ur-Nest, which is three hundred
and nine Atru in length, and one hundred and twenty Atru in width. The name of
the gods who are in this Field is the Baiu-Tuati. Whoever knows their names
shall have his existence alongside them, and to him shall this great god allot
fields in the place where they dwell, in the Field of Urnes. He shall stand up
with the "Gods Who Stand Up" (the Ahau). He shall travel in the train
of this great god. He shall enter into the Earth. He shall force a way through
the Tuat. He shall cleave a passage through the tresses of the gods with
flowing hair (the Henksu). He shall travel on by the one known as "The
Eater of the Ass" (Am-Aa), after the lands have been made empty. He shall
eat bread-cakes in the Boat of the Earth, and there the fore-part of Tatuba
shall be given to him.
Whoever shall have made in writing, or in drawing, similitudes of the
Baiu-Tuati, the Souls of the Tuat, in the forms in which they are in Ament of
the Tuat - the beginning of all such representations must be from Amentet - and
whoever shall make offerings to them on Earth in their names, these things, I
say, shall act as magical protectors to that person upon Earth, regularly and
And whoever shall know the words which the gods of the Tuat speak to this god,
and the words which are said by him to them when he is approaching the gods of
the Tuat, these words, I say, shall act as magical protectors to he who knows
them on Earth, regularly and unfailingly.
Shesat-Maket-Neb-S is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great
god through this Field.
This great god next takes up his position in the Fields of the Peru-gods, "the Fighters", and this great god paddles his way over the Stream of Osher (Net-Asar) in order to sail up this Field, which is three hundred and nine Atru long, and one hundred and twenty Atru wide. This great god utters words to those who are in the train of Osher as he heads towards this City, and he allots to each of them estates which are situated in this Field.
BAIU-SHETAIU, "Hidden Souls", is the name of the gods who are in this Field, and whoever knows their names on Earth shall be able to approach the place where Osher is, and there he shall receive water for his Field.
Net-Neb-Ua-Kheper-Auatu is the name of this Field. Whoever knows these hidden images and likenesses of the Hidden Souls, in the correct forms in which they are depicted in Ament of the Tuat - and the beginning of such representations should always be from Amentet - these figures, I say, shall act as magical protectors to that man upon Earth, and in Neter-khert, regularly and unfailingly.
Whoever knows these, when he is making his journey past them, shall escape from their roarings, and he shall not fall down into their pits or furnaces.
Whoever knows this, when he is keeping guard over his place, his bread-cake shall be with Ra.
And whoever knows this, being soul and spirit, shall have the mastery over his legs, and shall never enter into the place of destruction, but he shall emerge with his attributes, and shall breathe the air for his hour.
Thentent-Baiu is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god through this Field.
The majesty of this great god, having been towed along, next takes up his position in the secret Circle of Amentet, where, by means of his voice, he performs the affairs of the gods of the Tuat who inhabit this Circle; but he does not see them.
Ankh-Kheperu is the name of the gate of this Circle.
Ament-Sethau is the name of this Circle.
Whoever knows this representation of the hidden roads of Re-Statet, and the holy paths of the Ammehet, and the secret doors which are in the Land of Seker, the god who lives upon his sand, shall be in the same condition as he who eats the bread-cakes which are made for the mouth of the Living gods in the Temple of Tem.
Whoever knows this shall be in the same condition as he who is Maat on the way, and he shall journey over the roads of Re-Sethau, and he shall see the representations of the Ammehet.
URT-EM-SEKHEMU-SET is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god.
This great god is towed along over the ways of Maat of the Tuat, through the upper half of this secret Circle of the god Seker, who lives upon his sand, and he neither looks upon nor gazes at the secret figure of the Earth which contains the flesh of this god. The gods who are in the train of this god hear the words of Ra, who calls to them from where this god is.
Aha-Neteru is the name of the door of this City.
Ament is the name of the Circle of this god, and in it are the secret path of Amentet, and the doors of the hidden palace, and the holy place of the Land of Seker, with his flesh, and his members, and his body, in the divine form which they had at first.
Baiu-Amu-Tuat is the name of the gods who are in this Circle. Their forms (Aru), which are in their hour, and their secret shapes (Kheperu) neither know, nor look upon, nor see this likeness of Seker, "the hawk" himself.
Whoever shall make these representations according to the image which is carved in the hidden places of the Tuat, at the south of the Hidden Palace, and whoever shall know them shall be at peace, and his soul shall unite itself to the offerings of Seker, and the goddess Khemit shall not hack his body in pieces, and he shall go on his way towards her in peace. Whosoever shall make offerings to these gods upon the Earth, these offerings, I say, shall act as magical protectors to that man upon the Earth, and in Neter-Khert, regularly and unfailingly.
Sem-Her-Ab-Uaa-S is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god through this Field.
The majesty of this great god take up his position in the stream of Nebt-Mu-Tuatiu, the Lord of the Waters of the gods of the Tuat, and he issues instructions to the gods who inhabit it, commanding them to ensure that they have mastery over their divine offerings in this City. He makes his way through this Field, being provided with his Boat, and he sets apart by his words the estates which are to produce their offerings in this City. So he gives them water for their lakes, and he travels through the Tuat every day.
Sept-Metu is the name of the door of this City.
The secret roads of Amentet, and the manner by which this great god is being rowed along, over its waters, in his boat, to expedite the plans of the gods of the Tuat, the gathering of them together by their names, the manifestations of their shapes and forms, and their secret hours, these are the things of which the secret representation of the Tuat is not known to men and women.
Whoever makes a copy of this carved image, according to the representation of it which is among the hidden things of the Tuat, at the south of the Hidden Palace, and whoever shall know them, shall be in the condition of one who makes offerings in abundance in the Tuat, and he shall be united with the offerings of the gods who are in the train of Osher, and his kinfolk shall make the offerings which are obligatory on the Earth.
The majesty of this great god issues instructions, and makes divine offerings to the gods of the Tuat, and he stand up beside them where they can see him. So they have dominion over their Fields, and over the gifts made to them, and they effect their transformations by means of the words which this great god has spoken to them.
Metchet-Nebt-Tuatiu is the name of this Field, which is the road of the Boat of Ra.
Mesperit-Ar-Maat is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god through this country.
The majesty of this great god takes up his position in the secret place of Osher, and the majesty of this great god transmits words into this place, to the gods who live there. This god turns himself into other forms for this hidden place, in order to drive out of his path the serpent-fiend Apep by means of the words of power of Eshet, and the words of power of Semsu.
Ruti-Asar is the name of the gate of this City through which this god passes.
Tephet-Sheta is the name of this City.
This great god makes his way over the road of Ament in the holy boat, and he passes in it over this waterless road, not needing to be towed along. He makes his way by means of the words of power of Eshet, and by means of the words of power of Semsu, and the utterances of this great god himself act as magical protectors, and carry out the slaughters of Apep in the Tuat, in this Circle, during his meanderous journeys through the sky.
Whoever makes a copy of these images, exactly according to the copies which are written at the northern side of the Hidden Palace in the Tuat, they shall act as magical protectors for he who makes them, both in the heavens and on Earth. Whoever knows them shall be stand soul to soul with Ra. Whoever is able to recite the words of power of Eshet, and the words of power of Semsu, shall compel the Apep of Ra in Amentet to be driven back. Whoever shall do this in the Hidden Palace of the Tuat, and whoever shall do this on Earth, the result will be the same. Whoever knows this shall have a place in the Boat of Ra, both in the heavens and on Earth. But he who has no knowledge of these images shall not know how to drive back Neha-Hra, the Stinking-Face.
Now the ridge of earth of Neha-Hra in the Tuat is four hundred and fifty cubits (arm-lengths) in length, and he fills it with the undulations of his body. The regions which belong to him are kept for him, and the great god does not trample on him when he makes him turn aside to let him pass out of the secret place of Osher, when this god makes his way through this city in the form of the serpent Mehen. Whoever knows this upon the Earth, the serpent Neha-Hra shall not drink his water, and the soul of he who knows this shall not be evilly entreated by the gods who are in this Circle. Likewise, whoever knows it, the crocodile Ab-Shau shall not devour his soul.
Khesef-Hai-Heseq-Neha-Hra is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god through this Circle.
When the majesty of this great god has taken up his position in the secret Circles of those who live on their sand, he sends instructions to them from out of his Boat, and the gods tow along he who is in the holy embrace of the serpent Mehen.
Aha-An-UrtT-F is the name of the gate of this City.
Tebat-Neteru-Set is the name of this City.
As for the secret Circle of Amentet, this great god makes his way over it in his Boat, by means of the towing of the gods who are in the Tuat.
Whoever makes a copy of these things according to the likeness which is carved on the north wall of the Hidden Palace in the Tuat, and whoever knows them by their names, he shall be in the condition of one who is fully provided with swathing on the Earth, and he shall never be repulsed at the secret gates, and he shall have abundant offerings in the great funeral hall regularly and unfailingly for millions of years.
Nebt-Usha is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god.
When His Majesty, this great god, has taken up his position in this Circle, he sends out words from his Boat to the gods who dwell in it, and the sailors join the Boat of this great god in this City.
Saa-Keb is the name of the gate of this City through which this great god passes to take up his position on the stream which is in this City.
Bes-Aru is the name of this City, which is the secret Circle of Amentet, in which this great god and his sailors take up their positions in the Tuat.
Whoever makes a copy of these things in their names according to the likenesses which are carved on the east wall of the Hidden Palace of the Tuat, and whoever knows their names on Earth, and knows their habitations in Amentet, shall rest in his habitation in the Tuat, and he shall stand up among the Lord Provisioners of the gods, and his voice shall be Maat before the Tchatcha beings on the day of the reckoning of Pharaoh in the thrice great house. And these things shall act as magical protectors to he who knows them on the Earth.
Mak-Neb-S is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god in this Circle.
His Majesty, this great god, takes up his position in this Circle, and he sends out instructions to the gods who are in it.
Aa-Kheperu-Mes-Aru is the name of the gate of this City through which this great god passes.
Metch-Qa-Utebu is the name of this City. This is the secret Circle of Amentet in which Khepera unites himself with Ra, and the gods, and the spirits; and the dead cry out from it over the secret images of Akert.
Whoever makes a copy of these likenesses, according to the figures which are depicted on the east wall of Ament, and whoever knows them by their names, shall journey all around the Tuat, and across it, and he shall not be driven back; rather, he shall flourish with Ra.
Tentenit-Hesq-Khakabu is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god through the secret ways of this City.
His Majesty, this great god, takes up his position in this Circle, and he issues instructions to the gods who inhabit it.
Sekhen-Tuatiu is the name of the gate of this City through which this great god passes.
Re-En-Qerert-Apt-Khat is the name of this City. This is the secret Circle of the Tuat into which this great god passes on his journey, and he emerges at the eastern mountain of the sky, the Eater of Eternity. Its form is the visage of the serpent Petra, which inhabits this City, and they, the gods, place themselves in the train of Ra when the birth of Kheper is about to take place on the Earth.
Whoever makes a copy of these likenesses, according to the images which are depicted on the east wall of the palace of Ament, in the hidden places of the Tuat, and whoever knows them, shall be in the position of he who divides his offering, and of he who is a spirit who is suitably equipped to travel both in the heavens and on the Earth, regularly and unceasingly.
Sebit-Neb-Uaa-Khesef-Sebiu-Em-Pert-F is the name of the hour of the night which guides this great god in this Circle.
His Majesty, this great god, takes up his position in this Circle at the limits of the thick darkness, and this great god is born under the form of Khepera in this Circle. The gods Nu and Ammui, and Heh and Hehut are in this Circle at the birth of this great god, when he makes his appearance from the Tuat, and takes up his place in the Matet Boat, and rises from between the thighs of the goddess Nut.
Thenen-Neteru is the name of the gate of this City.
Kheper-Kekui-Kha-Mesti is the name of this City. This is the secret Circle of the Tuat, in which this great god is born, when he makes his appearance in Nu, and takes up his place in the body of Nut.
Whoever shall make a copy of these likenesses, according to the images which are depicted on the east wall of the palace of Ament of the Tuat, they shall be magical protectors for he who knows them upon the Earth, both in the heavens and on the Earth.
At this point the light begins to come, and it is the end of the thick darkness which Ra travels through in Amentet, and of the secret matters which this great god performed there. He who has no knowledge of the whole, or part, of the secret representations of the Tuat, shall be condemned to destruction. Whoever shall make a copy of these likenesses, according to this copy, of what is in the Ament of the Tuat, which cannot be looked at or seen, and whoever shall know these secret images, shall be in the condition of the spirit who is equipped for journeying, and shall emerge from, and shall descend into the Tuat, and shall converse with the men and women who live there regularly and unfailingly, millions of times.
An alternate translation (no longer the only one, as it claims) of the short form, can be found by clicking here. Absolutely gorgeous it is too - and worth looking at just because it presents the original hieroglyphs, as well as its translation. It also moves back and forth between the two best-known versions, the one on the sarcophagus at Seti, which is at the Sir John Soane Museum in London, and the Leyden edition (Papyrus T. 71) - click here for a listing of the other known texts.
Copyright © 2020 David Prashker
All rights reserved
The Argaman Press