Roman mythology

CAVEAT LECTOR: This is not the place to go if you are seeking a fastidiously detailed account of the Roman cults and pantheon. This is TheBibleNet. The brief notes collected here are a landing-place for those aspects of the Roman myths that come up in relation to the Tanach and the Christian Bible. They are currently very brief; as more detailed work begins on the Christian Bible, and on the Prohibited-Forbidden Gospels in particular, more on the Roman will inevitably arise. For a historical background to the Christian Jesus, a full "Pre-History of Jesus" will be published very shortly.

In the Roman pantheon, Jupiter became the chief god, but only as the successor to his father Saturn; and in the Jewish world the principal day of the week is Saturday, which is Saturn's Day; not, as in the Christian, Sun Day; nor, as we might expect for a lunar cult, Mon Day, which is the moon's. The Romans regarded Saturn as their equivalent of Chronos, who likewise came second in the dynasty: Ouranos, Chronos, Zeus. Saturn's own father completes the parallel, Coelus, or sometimes Caelus, being identified with Ouranos. Jupiter's mother was Terra, the Earth.

Mae Thoranee
Thai Mother-Earth Goddess 
The Roman trinity was made up of: Ishtar/Venus = physical nature; Jupiter = impregnating or animating principle (sun); Minerva directress of the wisdom behind the universe (moon). The equivalent Yisra-Eli trinity, if such it can be called, appears to have been Bin-Yamin, Yehudah and Levi rather than Av-Raham, Yitschak and Ya'akov, who are the Trimurti equivalent: Ouranos, Chronos, Zeus in the Greek, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva in the Hindu.

The principal god/goddess was Mother Earth, nourisher of life and receiver of the dead. At first a fertility culy, but later the 3 dimensions of Time, Space and Matter (E=MC²) combined in her as the overall Creatrice (this was already established in the SumerianSumerian temples by 3500-2500 BCE); thus already metaphysical.

Everything stems from the womb of this goddess, who is thus the Great Creator.

For specific details see Yah/Io.

Copyright © 2019 David Prashker
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The Argaman Press

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